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:warning: src/alfred/data_structure/binary-trie.hpp



// TODO: Require to be rewritten.
// Thanks neal for this template.
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

const int BITS = 30;
const int INF = 1e9 + 7;
struct BinaryTrie { // 01-Trie
    static const int ALPHABET = 2;
    struct Node {
        const int parent;
        int words_here = 0;    // How many words EXACTLY here.
        int starting_with = 0; // How many words have the PREFIX of this node.
        int min_index = INF;   // The minimum index of words which have PREFIX of this node.
        int max_index = -INF;  // The maximum index of words which have PREFIX of this node.
        std::array<int, ALPHABET> child;
        Node(int p = -1) : parent(p) { child.fill(-1); }
    static const int ROOT = 0;
    std::vector<Node> tr = {Node()};
    BinaryTrie(int total_length = -1) { // Sum of |s|, leave -1 if don't know.
        if (total_length >= 0) tr.reserve(total_length + 1);
    // Returns the Node reference of word.
    // NOTICE: this function creates a new Node if word isn't in the trie.
    Node &operator[](uint64_t word) {
        return tr[build(word, 0)];
    // Get or create c-th (c = 0, 1) child of node
    // Returns BinaryTrie node.
    int get_or_create_child(int node, int c) {
        if (tr[node].child[c] == -1) {
            tr[node].child[c] = (int)tr.size();
        return tr[node].child[c];
    // Build rootpath of word, insert delta (个) words
    // Returns BinaryTrie node.
    int build(uint64_t word, int delta) {
        int node = ROOT;
        for (int i = BITS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            tr[node].starting_with += delta;
            node = get_or_create_child(node, word >> i & 1);
        tr[node].starting_with += delta;
        return node;
    // Insert a word with the index of index, INF if index is unknown.
    // Returns BinaryTrie node.
    int insert(uint64_t word, int index = INF) {
        int node = build(word, 1);
        tr[node].words_here += 1;
        for (int x = node; x != -1; x = tr[x].parent) {
            if (index != INF) {
                tr[x].min_index = std::min(tr[x].min_index, index);
                tr[x].max_index = std::max(tr[x].max_index, index);
        return node;
    // Find such an x inserted in the trie that word ^ x is minimized.
    // Returns such x (x is certain).
    uint64_t query_min(uint64_t word) {
        int node = ROOT;
        uint64_t val = 0;
        for (int i = BITS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            int go_bit = word >> i & 1;
            if (tr[node].child[go_bit] == -1) {
                go_bit ^= 1;
            val |= 1ull << go_bit;
            node = tr[node].child[go_bit];
        return val;
    // Find such an x inserted in the trie that word ^ x is maximized.
    // Returns such x (x is certain).
    uint64_t query_max(uint64_t word) {
        int node = ROOT;
        uint64_t val = 0;
        for (int i = BITS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            int go_bit = (word >> i & 1) ^ 1;
            if (tr[node].child[go_bit] == -1) {
                go_bit ^= 1;
            val |= 1ull << go_bit;
            node = tr[node].child[go_bit];
        return val;
    // CF1983F: Find such an x inserted in the trie that word ^ x < upper_bound
    // Returns a pair {min_index, max_index} of x.
    std::pair<int, int> query_ub(uint64_t word, uint64_t upper_bound) {
        int mn = INF, mx = -INF, node = ROOT;
        for (int i = BITS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            int word_bit = word >> i & 1;      // digit i of word
            int ub_bit = upper_bound >> i & 1; // digit i of ub
            if (ub_bit == 1 && tr[node].child[word_bit] != -1) {
                // if digit i of ub is 1, then we can choose either
                // the subtree of word_bit or word_bit ^ 1.
                mn = std::min(mn, tr[tr[node].child[word_bit]].min_index);
                mx = std::max(mx, tr[tr[node].child[word_bit]].max_index);
            // else if digit i of ub is 0, then we can only choose
            // the subtree of word_bit. (otherwise, we will violate the range)
            node = tr[node].child[word_bit ^ ub_bit];
            if (node == -1) break;
        return {mn, mx};

#line 1 "src/alfred/data_structure/binary-trie.hpp"

// TODO: Require to be rewritten.
// Thanks neal for this template.
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

const int BITS = 30;
const int INF = 1e9 + 7;
struct BinaryTrie { // 01-Trie
    static const int ALPHABET = 2;
    struct Node {
        const int parent;
        int words_here = 0;    // How many words EXACTLY here.
        int starting_with = 0; // How many words have the PREFIX of this node.
        int min_index = INF;   // The minimum index of words which have PREFIX of this node.
        int max_index = -INF;  // The maximum index of words which have PREFIX of this node.
        std::array<int, ALPHABET> child;
        Node(int p = -1) : parent(p) { child.fill(-1); }
    static const int ROOT = 0;
    std::vector<Node> tr = {Node()};
    BinaryTrie(int total_length = -1) { // Sum of |s|, leave -1 if don't know.
        if (total_length >= 0) tr.reserve(total_length + 1);
    // Returns the Node reference of word.
    // NOTICE: this function creates a new Node if word isn't in the trie.
    Node &operator[](uint64_t word) {
        return tr[build(word, 0)];
    // Get or create c-th (c = 0, 1) child of node
    // Returns BinaryTrie node.
    int get_or_create_child(int node, int c) {
        if (tr[node].child[c] == -1) {
            tr[node].child[c] = (int)tr.size();
        return tr[node].child[c];
    // Build rootpath of word, insert delta (个) words
    // Returns BinaryTrie node.
    int build(uint64_t word, int delta) {
        int node = ROOT;
        for (int i = BITS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            tr[node].starting_with += delta;
            node = get_or_create_child(node, word >> i & 1);
        tr[node].starting_with += delta;
        return node;
    // Insert a word with the index of index, INF if index is unknown.
    // Returns BinaryTrie node.
    int insert(uint64_t word, int index = INF) {
        int node = build(word, 1);
        tr[node].words_here += 1;
        for (int x = node; x != -1; x = tr[x].parent) {
            if (index != INF) {
                tr[x].min_index = std::min(tr[x].min_index, index);
                tr[x].max_index = std::max(tr[x].max_index, index);
        return node;
    // Find such an x inserted in the trie that word ^ x is minimized.
    // Returns such x (x is certain).
    uint64_t query_min(uint64_t word) {
        int node = ROOT;
        uint64_t val = 0;
        for (int i = BITS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            int go_bit = word >> i & 1;
            if (tr[node].child[go_bit] == -1) {
                go_bit ^= 1;
            val |= 1ull << go_bit;
            node = tr[node].child[go_bit];
        return val;
    // Find such an x inserted in the trie that word ^ x is maximized.
    // Returns such x (x is certain).
    uint64_t query_max(uint64_t word) {
        int node = ROOT;
        uint64_t val = 0;
        for (int i = BITS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            int go_bit = (word >> i & 1) ^ 1;
            if (tr[node].child[go_bit] == -1) {
                go_bit ^= 1;
            val |= 1ull << go_bit;
            node = tr[node].child[go_bit];
        return val;
    // CF1983F: Find such an x inserted in the trie that word ^ x < upper_bound
    // Returns a pair {min_index, max_index} of x.
    std::pair<int, int> query_ub(uint64_t word, uint64_t upper_bound) {
        int mn = INF, mx = -INF, node = ROOT;
        for (int i = BITS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            int word_bit = word >> i & 1;      // digit i of word
            int ub_bit = upper_bound >> i & 1; // digit i of ub
            if (ub_bit == 1 && tr[node].child[word_bit] != -1) {
                // if digit i of ub is 1, then we can choose either
                // the subtree of word_bit or word_bit ^ 1.
                mn = std::min(mn, tr[tr[node].child[word_bit]].min_index);
                mx = std::max(mx, tr[tr[node].child[word_bit]].max_index);
            // else if digit i of ub is 0, then we can only choose
            // the subtree of word_bit. (otherwise, we will violate the range)
            node = tr[node].child[word_bit ^ ub_bit];
            if (node == -1) break;
        return {mn, mx};
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